ExpertSearch – find your Expert Witness

TAE’s ExpertSearch™ is a free online search  for accredited Expert Witnesses – all of the members on TAE’s online register are fully accredited Academy of Experts Members.

You can search either by Expertise or find an individual by name.

Searching by Expertise: Enter one or more terms to produce a list of individuals from which you can view their full details.

Searching by Surname:  you should only put in the member’s surname  and then select from the list of search results.

All TAE Experts have been through a vetting process and are accredited by The Academy. It is important to be clear what your requirements are when selecting the appropriate expert.

The details shown are valid at the date and time of the search only.

Please Note: Not all TAE members choose to appear on the register. If an individual does not show in the results it should not be taken as an indication that they are not a TAE member.

You should consider the following when selecting any Expert Witness:

  • Academic qualifications
  • Membership of professional bodies
  • Previous experience and relevant work as an expert witness
  • Accreditation as an expert witness
  • Geographic location
  • Relevant training as an expert witness
  • Additional skills such as languages

Showing 24 Results

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