TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness


  • Bachelor of Science BSc Honours Degree Civil Engineering (1982)
  • Member of the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors MInstCES (2004)

Expert Witness Snapshot

1978-1985 trainee Civil Engineer. Bournemouth Borough Council. 1985-1987 Specialist land surveying npractice. 1987 to date Dorset Land Surveying.6BS30497 Client - Wiltshire CC. Expert Surveyor - Extent of Public right of way. 9HS00725 Client Hastings BC. Expert Surveyor - Flooding of manmade watercourse. AF304793 Client - Surrey Heath BC. Flooding and silt deposition. HM304369 Client Crawley BC. Expert Surveyore - Flooding. 6ED08662 Client Edmonton BC. Expert Surveyore - Flooding. 9TA01513 Client private company. Expert surveyor - Extent of private right of way. 0AS00848 Client -Network Rail. Expert Surveyore - Extent of title against MHW line.

AF304793. Expert surveyor, Surrey Heath Borough Council,Flooding and silt deposition.
6ED08662 Expert surveyor London Borough of Enfield.Flooding. 9HS00725 Expert surveyor Hastings Borough Council. Flooding.8BH03999 Expert Surveyor Land and boundary demarcation - extent of public right of way, interpretation of historical plans.1SO01073. Expert Surveyor Land and boundary demarcation - extent of private right of way, interpretationtitle deed plan

9TA01513. Expert Surveyor Land and boundary demarcation -extent of a private right of way over ancient ‘trackway’, interpretation of title deed plan. 0AS00848. Single Joint Expert Land and boundary demarcation. - extent of title against the mean high water line.6BS30497 Expert Surveyor Land and Boundary demarcation - Wiltshire CC. - extent of public right of way.

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