Videos / Webinars

Member Meetings


February 18, 2025

Hamish Lal speaking to members about the latest thinking around Conflicts of Interest and the Expert Witness. (more…)

Traps & Pitfalls for Experts

October 9, 2024

Colin Passmore explores traps and pitfalls experts should avoid (more…)

Jus Mundi

September 19, 2024

A presentation by Jus Mundi introducing TAE members to the opportunities and benefits from the new partnership.


Experts Under the Spotlight – July 24

July 2, 2024

Mrs Justice Smith shares her experience from the Bench. (more…)

Artificial Intelligence & Expert Evidence – May 2024

May 8, 2024

Hear from one of the leading experts on AI law about what AI is, its risks and how it might impact the world of expert evidence


Navigating Court Rules, Practice Directions and Guidance

April 16, 2024

The court rules, practice directions and guidance provide the framework for expert evidence in litigation.  Isabel’s talk will help you as an expert navigate them safely. (more…)

Collaborative Contracts & Dispute Resolution – the Role of Experts

November 14, 2023

The increasing trend to use collaborative contracts and a growing focus on including mechanisms that are designed to identify and resolve disputes before they escalate, seeking to avoid the traditional forms of dispute resolution. (more…)

Artificial Intelligence & Expert Evidence

March 21, 2023

Hear from one of the leading experts on AI law about what AI is, its risks and how it might impact the world of expert evidence


Experts In Public Inquiries

February 9, 2023

This Member Meeting was an opportunity for members to hear about the role of experts in Public Inquiries.


Experts In Adjudication

January 17, 2023

This Member Meeting was an opportunity for members to hear about the utility of experts in adjudication from the perspective of an adjudicator.


Expert Evidence – What does and doesn’t work

October 12, 2022

This Member Meeting was an opportunity for members to hear from a senior judge about how Expert Evidence works and how, sometimes, it doesn’t work. (more…)

A view of Experts from the (Singapore) Bench

October 6, 2022

This online Member Meeting was an opportunity to hear from, and put questions to, a leading judge in Singapore, an increasingly important hub for dispute resolution. His talk included references to the new Rules of Court in the Singapore High Court and the Singapore International Commercial Court. (more…)

Experts Under the Spotlight

May 11, 2022

Mrs Justice Joanna Smith spoke at a joint meeting held with the East Anglia Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Mrs Justice Smith may be well known to experts from her judgement in Dana UK AXLE Ltd v Freudenberg FST GmbH [2021] EWHC 1413 (TCC).


Experts in Mediations

April 13, 2022

Rosemary Jackson QC examines the role that Experts can play in a mediation and how they can assist both their own party as well as the Mediator. (more…)

Expert Shopping

March 15, 2022

Hamish Lal, a Solicitor at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld spoke to TAE Members about ‘Expert Shopping’.

  • The strategic benefits and risks in ‘Expert Shopping’.
  • Circumstances in which an expert is changed for objectively justifiable reasons – what does this mean?
  • Judicial powers following Edwards-Tubb v Wetherspoon [2011] EWCA Civ 136 – jurisdiction can attach to privileged pre-issue reports or other expressions of opinion as well as post-issue reports.
  • The role of a ‘consulting expert’


Independence & Duty

October 14, 2021

Dana v Freudenberg is the latest in a line of cases of ‘car crash’ expert evidence and just another, albeit extreme, example of the breakdown of the primary duty of experts to the Court. (more…)

An Introduction to Coroners’ Courts

October 5, 2021

A joint meeting held with the Faculty of of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM). (more…)

Experts & Money Laundering

September 28, 2021

What do Experts need to know about Money Laundering legislation? (more…)

The Visible Expert

September 9, 2021

What does it take to become a well-known expert in your field—someone other practitioners, event organizers, and the media seek out for leadership and insight? (more…)

Experts in the Middle East

July 8, 2021

Mark Raymont of Pinsent Masons spoke about ‘The perils and potential pitfalls in giving expert witness evidence in Middle Eastern proceedings’. (more…)

Conflicts – a minefield for Arbitrators & Experts

June 22, 2021

The effects of conflicts of interest from the perspectives of arbitrators and expert witnesses: (more…)

Experts in the Family Court

June 10, 2021

A presentation from Mr Justice Williams about the role of Experts in the Family Court and upcoming changes that might affect all Experts.



May 26, 2021

The Meeting looked at the arcane world of Privilege and its many twists and turns.


How Experts can assist the Court – a Judge’s view

May 12, 2021

Dame Finola sharing her experience from the bench, giving advice and taking questions from members about the unique role of the Expert Witness in aiding the court.


What counsel wants from an expert

April 19, 2021

Paul Darling QC spoke to members about what counsel really wants and needs from an expert


Experts in Mediation

January 19, 2021

In January 2021 TAE launched a Guidance Note for Experts Witnesses taking part in the Commercial Mediation process. (more…)

Lord Justice Dingemans

October 14, 2020

Some practical ways in which an expert can help a Court
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Dingemans, is a judge of the Court of Appeal and a member of the Academy’s Judicial Committee that produced the recent Guidance on Giving Evidence Remotely. (more…)

Wasted Costs – Dominic Regan

July 27, 2020

It is not always appreciated that a Court can order anyone but anyone to pay some or even all of the costs incurred. That liability could be massive.


Meetings of Experts

July 1, 2020

Jeremy Nicholson QC of 4 Pump Court spoke to members  about ‘Experts’ Meetings – The Art of the Possible’.


‘At Home’ with Lord Neuberger

June 11, 2020

TAE’s new Deputy President spoke to members answering their questions and getting to know TAE.

Experts in a Virtual Era

May 13, 2020

In collaboration with HKA, TAE ran a live panel discussion webinar that seeks to share experience and opinions on the giving of expert evidence in ‘virtual hearings’, in any dispute forum, and address your questions connected with the ‘new normal’.


Members Webinar – Experts Online

April 21, 2020

The meeting comprised of an Expert, a Barrister and a Solicitor who looked at issues affecting Expert Witnesses which may be encountered in this new area.

The Panel

  • Michael Cohen – Expert – TAE Chairman Emeritus
  • Philip Newman – Barrister – 42 Bedford Row
  • James Pickavance – Solicitor – Jones Day

Experts in International Arbitration

February 12, 2020

As with domestic litigation, the use of party appointed experts in international arbitration is widespread. However, their use too often comes at a significant expense, bringing challenges of partiality and ineffective deployment in proceedings.


Forensic Science Regulator

March 13, 2019

The role of the Forensic Science Regulator is to ensure that the provision of forensic science in the Criminal Justice System is subject to an appropriate regime of quality standards. Using examples from fingerprint comparison and digital forensics in particular, this Evening Meeting discussed what has been learned from introduction of quality standards and will consider the impact in terms of changes to practice.


Disclosure Pilot Scheme

February 13, 2019

Since 1st January 2019 the Disclosure Pilot Scheme has applied to most proceedings in the Business and Property Courts across England and Wales.


Practical Guidance for GDPR

October 10, 2018

GDPR itself is a very broad subject. This talk is designed to give Experts an overview of some of the areas that they need to be aware of in order to remain compliant and debunk a few of the myths that have cropped up. (more…)

Experts in the USA

March 14, 2018

Robert Cosgrove previously spoke focussed on the world of the Expert Witness in particular how the USA differs from the UK. (more…)

Lone Ranger or Hired Gun – Experts in Arbitration

December 13, 2017

The talk examined from a practical perspective what tribunals expect from experts, the ways in which experts can help tribunals better understand technical and quantum aspects of disputes and the advantages and disadvantages of the various ways of providing expert opinion and testimony. (more…)

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Marketing your Mediation Practice

December 7, 2016

Stephen Walker has spoken at workshops and conferences on developing your business as a mediator. He is also a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and lectures on Mediation on the Masters in Construction Law at Kings College London.


Online Dispute Resolution

July 13, 2016

The world of dispute resolution is changing rapidly and no more so than ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). (more…)

Jackson Reforms from a Solicitor’s Perspective

April 15, 2015

Hosted by Simpson Millar LLP, Lisa Swales, a Solicitor at the firm, spoke to members and guests (including Lord Justice Jackson) about the effect of the Jackson reforms from a solicitor’s perspective.


Experts in the USA

November 12, 2014

Bruce Barze, a partner at the US law firm Balch & Bingham LLP, spoke about the rules and procedures governing expert testimony the USA.


Clive Freedman

October 8, 2014

Clive Freedman spoke to TAE Members about Expert Determination

Implementing the Jackson Reforms

September 10, 2014

Mr Justice Ramsey, the judge in charge of the implementation of the Jackson Reforms spoke to Academy members and their guests about the Impact of the Jackson Reforms on Expert Evidence.


Mr Justice Dingemans – Expert’s Liabilities

June 11, 2014

Following the loss of experts immunity in Jones v Kaney the question of liability is still a topic of hot debate. Mr Justice Dingemans QC spoke to members about the view from the bench.


Costs Explained

November 12, 2013

As experts know the principle ‘costs follow the event’ means that the winning party will seek to recover his costs from his opponent and this will of course include the experts fees.

The opponent will only have to pay what might be termed as reasonable and this is where the debate begins. Changes to the Civil Procedure Rules make it important for Experts to make sure that they minimise their risk from having their fees assessed or taxed down.


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