Applying to Join

The Application Process

The most frequent question we are asked about new applications is how long they take to process. Ordinarily new applicants should expect to complete the vetting process within three months. One of the most important parts of the applications is the response from your referees so ensuring that they are willing and able to provide a reference before you submit your application will help avoid unnecessary delay.

As well as ensuring an applicant has the appropriate professional experience the assessment committee is looking to understand the depth and breadth of your Expert Witness experience. If you are unsure whether something is relevant to your application please contact us directly and we will be able to advise you.

Further details about the application process can be found from the boxes below.

If you are not sure which grade of membership to apply for please complete our pre-application questionnaire.

If you are in any doubt about any part of the process we are here to advise you. Please use the contact details in the footer of this page.

Applications for membership are judged on the basis of an applicant’s experience as an Expert Witness. The Academy recognises that the skills of an expert are separate from those required by an applicant’s primary profession and awards different grades of membership.

The following advice is applicable to those joining as an Expert Witness. Those joining as a mediator or expert determiner qualify through completing accredited training. Qualification as QDR as a mediator is described here. Qualification as QDR as an expert determiner is described here.

For application as a Practising Associate follow this link.

For application as a Senior Associate follow this link.

For application as a Full Member follow this link.

To upgrade from Associate to Full Membership, follow this link.

To upgrade from Full Membership to Fellow, follow this link.

For application as a Corporate Member follow this link.

It is not always immediately obvious which level of membership to apply for initially. Those starting out as an Expert Witness, no matter how ‘expert’ they may be in their primary profession should apply as a ‘Practicing Associate’. Where an applicant already has a broad range of Expert Witness experience they may wish to apply as a ‘Full Member’.

Associate Membership is for those starting out their Expert Witness careers.

Full Membership is awarded to experienced Expert Witnesses who show an appropriate level of skill and understanding of the work of an expert.

Fellows are those experts who demonstrate an exceptional level of skill and experience as an Expert Witness and must be Full Members of at least two years standing. There are currently fewer than 60 Fellows.

If you would like personal guidance on which grade of membership is the closest fit to your circumstance, please download and return this questionnaire.


Those applying for Full Member may, at the discretion of the Membership Vetting Committee, be granted Associate Membership where it is judged that they do not have sufficient appropriate experience for Full Membership.

These notes are designed to aid potential members and applicants in the completion of their application to join TAE. All applicants should ensure that they have read and fully understand these notes before submitting an application for memberhsip. If you have any further queries please contact TAE.

  1. Professional Details – Provide details and dates of advancement of professional qualification or completion of professional training.
  2. Areas of Expertise
    1. Fields of Professional Expertise: All areas in which the applicant is qualified and is applying to be considered able to give Expert opinion.
    2. Fields in which you are applying for membership of The Academy as an Expert: Areas in which the applicant has been instructed to prepare Expert opinion.
  3. Referees:
    1. As part of the vetting process Candidates are required to  supply the names of referees who are able to support their application.
    2. We require the names of three people, preferably Lawyers, for whom the applicant has undertaken Expert work. If you do not have three Lawyers who are able to act as referees please provide a similar alternative giving the capacity in which you were instructed – or alternatively contact The Academy for further guidance.
    3. Note that the application will not be proceeded with until references have been obtained and so it is always adviseable to contact the referees in advance to confirm that they will be able to provide a reference.
    4. Unless specifically requested by the referee the contents of the reference will not be divulged to the candidate or any third party.
  4. Level of Entry
    1. Those applying for Full Member may, at the discretion of the Membership Vetting Committee, be granted Associate Membership where it is judged that they do not have sufficient appropriate experience for Full Membership.
  5. Enclosures to accompany an Application.
    1. Your CV should stress the aspects of your professional work in addition to the Expert work. It should be confined to factual material.
    2. Please give full details of all Expert work undertaken in the last three years. The majority of Expert evidence is written but if you have given oral evidence please supply details. The approximate overall duration of the trial and the period during which the applicant was in the box should be stated for each appearance.
    3. All courses or CPD events involving Expert work should be stated. If courses are less than a full day they should be stated as ¼, ½, or ¾ day as applicable. The subject matter of the course should emphasise its relevance to Expert work. The organisation which provided the course should be given and when the course is organised by the employer of the applicant the letters IH (in-house) should be used.
    4. Applicants should enclose a representative report from a case that is no longer active if applying for Full membership.
    5. Applications should contain copies of certificates for all relevant Academic and Professional qualifications.
    6. List all publications of note (including co-authorship).
    7. Although not a requirement it would be useful if a passport sized photograph accompanied the application.
  6. Fees
    1. Applications will not be processed until the first year’s subscription and non-refundable vetting fee is paid.
    2. All TAE memberships renew on 1st March each year. To take this into account the first year’s subscription is a special discounted rate.
  7. VAT
    1. VAT receipts where appropriate will be issued.
    2. Fifty percent of the membership subscription is Zero Rated for VAT.
  8. Data Protection
    1. As part of its service to members and the legal profession The Academy runs a number of referral services. In the course of making a referral The Academy may make a member’s details available. If you do not wish to take part in any of The Academy’s referral services please tick the box at the end of the Application Form.
    2. The Academy does not sell or disclose its mailing list.
  9. Insurance
    1. All successful applicants will be required to contribute to the Academy’s Group Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy subject to certain exclusions. The current cost of the contribution is £210 until 28th February 2021.
    2. Unless otherwise agreed exclusions include, but are not limited to, Applicants:
      1. living or practising in North America
      2. who know that they are or might be the subject of a current or future claim
    3. Further details about the policy are available from The Academy’s Brokers: CBC (UK) Ltd, Mansell Court, 69 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AN Tel: 020 7265 5600

Professional Details

You will need to provide details and dates of advancement of professional qualification or completion of professional training.


As part of the vetting process Candidates are required to supply the names of referees who are able to support their application.
We ask for the names of three people, preferably Lawyers, for whom you have undertaken Expert work. If you do not have three Lawyers who are able to act as referees you should either provide a similar alternative giving the capacity in which you were instructed or contact The Academy for advice.

A Report

Applicants for Full Membership are required to submit a copy of an Expert Witness report. This may be anonymised and must not be from a live case.
Enclosures to accompany your Application.

Your CV should stress the aspects of your professional work in addition to the Expert work. It should be confined to factual material.

You should give full details of all Expert work undertaken in the last three years. The majority of Expert evidence is written but if you have given oral evidence please supply details.

  • Application form completed and signed
  • A copy of your CV or resumé
  • A professional qualification (if such exists) appropriate to your vocation and proof of the professional body you belongs to (if appropriate)
  • Three satisfactory references  – preferably from solicitors and/or barristers who have instructed you.
  • Training in expert witness work is preferable but not essential.

The Academy also offers membership in other categories:

  • Associate Membership (for those who wish to become expert witnesses but are not sufficiently experienced to qualify for individual membership)
  • Non-Practicing Membership (for users of Experts-  solicitors and barristers)
  • Corporate Membership (for commercial organisations)

The Academy of Experts  is one of the HMRC approved professional bodies under Section 344 of the Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003 and is published by them as  “List 3”. If you are a UK tax payer and pay your own membership fees, you may be entitled to claim tax back on your subscription fee.

Who can claim

If joining TAE is advantageous to you in carrying out your work or is relevant to your job, members employed in the UK may claim tax relief on their membership subscription fee.

Who cannot claim

  • Non UK tax payers
  • Members whose subscription fee is paid by someone else (e.g. employer)

How much can I claim?

Higher rate taxpayers can claim 40% of their membership fee.
Lower rate taxpayers can claim 20% of their membership fee.

How to claim

In order to claim tax relief, you will need to use your invoice for your membership payment, which you can then submit to the tax office with your tax return form. Please quote The Academy of Experts (formerly ‘British Academy of Experts’) along with our tax reference number SAPP/T/1644/43/1922.

If you don’t complete a tax return, you can make a claim by writing or phoning your local tax office (your employer will be able to give you the address and reference).

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