Member Meetings

Experts Under the Spotlight – July 24

Mrs Justice Joanna Smith shares her experience from the bench.

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Artificial Intelligence & Expert Evidence – May 2024

Hear from one of the leading experts on AI law about what AI is and how it might impact the world of expert evidence.

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Navigating Court Rules, Practice Directions and Guidance

An insight into the work of the Civil Procedure Committee; how court rules and practice directions are made and revised.

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Collaborative Contracts & Dispute Resolution – the Role of Experts

How the role of experts may change in collaborative contracts and dispute resolution, particularly in the construction industry.

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Artificial Intelligence & Expert Evidence

Hear from one of the leading experts on AI law about what AI is and how it might impact the world of expert evidence.

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Experts In Public Inquiries

The role of experts in Public Inquiries.

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Experts In Adjudication

The utility of experts in adjudication from the perspective of an adjudicator.

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Expert Evidence – What does and doesn’t work

Mrs Justice Cockerill gave a judge’s view of Expert Evidence – what does and doesn’t work.

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A view of Experts from the (Singapore) Bench

Mr Justice Loh gave a judge’s view of Experts

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Experts Under the Spotlight

Mrs Justice Smith examines some of the pitfalls experts need to avoid

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