TAE Model Form of Expert Report including the Model Expert Witness CV
The first version of the Model Form of Expert Report was approved by The Judicial Committee to further assist
Experts and their clients by indicating a format that the Judiciary would find of assistance. In other words a “judge
friendly” format.
In 2007, the Model Form of Expert’s report was reviewed in light of the developments that have occurred since the
first version was produced. The current version takes into account the Civil Procedure Rules adopted in England and
Wales, and subsequent case law applying such rules, and also the Protocol for Instruction of Experts to give Evidence
in civil claims, drafted by the Civil Justice Council and approved by the Master of the Rolls.
It must be remembered that the form continues to be a Model rather than a Standard.
The current version of the Model Form of Expert’s Report can equally be used in criminal proceedings by using the
alternative format where suggested. The Model Form takes into account the developments encapsulated within the
Criminal Procedure Rules which have also been adopted in England and Wales.
Latest version is valid from 1st October 2020.