Understanding Law & Procedure

September 2021

Course Details

Wednesday 29th - Thursday 30th
CPD hours:
Michael Cohen
Start Time:
9:30 am
End Time:
1:00 pm

Our online courses are designed to be used for Expert Witness training worldwide. Unless otherwise shown they are prepared primarily for use within a Common Law jurisdiction focussing on England & Wales.

Expert Witnesses can sometimes feel like a ‘fish out of water’ when entering the legal arena. This course will give you:

  • a working knowledge of the structure of the legal system in which you will be working
  • an outline of some of the differences between the basis of law both within the UK and in other jurisdictions
  • an understanding of the basis of the Procedure Rules (eg CPR, CrimPR and FPR) that you must comply with if you are instructed as an Expert in England & Wales.

If an Expert Witness does not understand the basics, for example ‘what is a contract’ or ‘what is negligence’, it is difficult for them to perform to the high standards required. Mediators and ADR neutrals have another problem. How can they help a party to evaluate his own position in relation to alternatives if the mediator does not understand the legal environment. This course is designed to give you what you need – and no more!

Procedure Rules are the bedrock of Expert Witness work and compliance is mandatory. The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) are deceptively simple and can trap the unwary.

Key Learning Points

  • Comparing CPR to CrimPR – the similarities and the differences
  • Fast track dangers
  • Multi track problems
  • Applying to the court for directions
  • Fee Capping
  • Court Estimates
  • The Single Joint Expert
  • CPR Protocol for Experts

Key Outcomes

Delegates attending this course will understand:

  • The basis of CPR and how it affects Experts
  • How to comply with the Rules
  • The delicate balance between duty to the court and client
  • The differences between Parts (rules) and Practice Directions and how to interpret them
  • Joint Statements and how to cope with the problems they bring

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