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Homepage / Membership / Application Form – Corporate
Please Note:
This form and any enclosures may be submitted to TAE in electronic format - please see the notes at the end of the application form for further details. Any supporting reports you send us may be destroyed at the conclusion of the processing of this application.
I/We have read and understood the ‘Notes on Completion of Application
All the information I/we have given in this application is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
I/we will immediately notify The Academy in writing of any material changes in the information I/we have provided. This includes information about professional conduct or performance, criminal convictions (other than motoring offences which did not result in disqualification) or any adverse comments about my/our performance as an expert.
I/we acknowledge that The Academy may receive information, including adverse information about my/our fitness to practice, from third parties and understand that due to The Academy requiring such information to verify information and assess my/our fitness to become a member of The Academy (and therefore enter into a membership contract with me/us) they may require to process and share such information with our assessors and other organisations (applicable to your area of expertise) for such purposes, provided that the sharing of this information is for the purposes of assessing my/our application for membership or for matters related to my/our ongoing membership or where The Academy is required to do so by law or the regulations of applicable professional organisations.
In the event of my/our election to Membership I/we agree that I/we will abide by the rules of The Academy and that I/we will support and advance its aims so far as shall be in my/our power.
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