Mr Roger Isaacs

Chartered Accountant/Licenced Insolvency Practitioner

    [register] => 
    [Membership_Number] => 2547
    [Qualifications] => Chartered Accountant - 1992
Licenced Insolvency Practitioner - 1996
CEDR Accredited Mediator - 2000
    [Secondary_Occupation] => 
    [R1] => Employee
    [Expert_Experience1] => Accountancy
    [Expert_Experience2] => Accountancy
    [C1] => 
    [S3] => 
    [Area_Worked] => 
    [LegalAid] => 0
    [No_Instructions3] => 
    [No_Instructions1] => 
    [No_Reports_Written3] => 
    [No_Reports_Written1] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances3] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances1] => 
    [Key_Words] => Valuation, insolvency litigation support, asset tracing and fraud
    [Brief_CV] => As head of Milsted Langdon's litigation support team, Roger has extensive court experience and has been cross-examined in the High Court and County Courts as well as the Lands Tribunal and Employment Tribunals.  He advises on Business Valuations in the context of Matrimonial, Partnership and Shareholder disputes as well as giving evidence in a wide range of professional negligence cases.  He provides calculations for defendants and claimants in relation to personal injury, fatal accident and clinical negligence loss of earnings claims and his expertise as an insolvency practitioner means that he is well used to advising in relation to fraud, asset tracing and confiscation cases.
    [Mediator_CV] => Experienced in a range of commercial mediations with particular expertise in matters involving:
 - Accountancy
 - Insolvency practitioner claims (transacations at undervalue/preferences/wrongful trading)
 - Partnership disputes/professional practices
    [Submit] => 
    [ACCOUNT_REF] => 
    [grade] => 
    [Dispute_Experience] => 
    [Offiicial_Positions] => 
    [Other_Activities] => 
    [CVviewscount] => 2
    [dateofentry] => 
    [cvamended] => 
    [updated] => ำเ
    [Brief_CV2] =>  

[update_ws] => 0 [Rec_no] => 1616 [Grade] => PM [Active] => 1 [Name_Title] => Mr [Name_Forename] => Roger [Name_Surname] => Isaacs [Additional_Names] => Anthony Stanford [Company] => Milsted Langdon LLP [country] => GB [main_address] => Work [Town] => [Overseas] => 0 [Telephone] => 0117 945 2500 [Telephone_Extension] => [Fax] => 0117 945 2545 [TelephoneH] => 0117 942 7622 [FaxH] => [Mobile] => [email] => [main_contact] => Work [wwwadr] => [Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant/Licenced Insolvency Practitioner [Job_Position] => Partner [Employment_Status] => Employee [QDR_Number] => [Gender] => Male [DateJoined] => 2004-04-13 00:00:00.000 [DateResigned] => [Societies] => [user] => [Amended] => [INVetting] => 0 [InDisciplinary] => [profession] => [profession 2] => [Date entered] => [Birthday] => 1967-10-22 00:00:00.000 [Joined] => [Tel 2] => [Internet] => 1 [InternetStop] => 0 [inetpwd] => asd1234 [InetDate] => [Inet_Year] => 2024 [MembType] => 0 [temp] => [DXNumber] => [DXArea] => [ProBono] => 0 [corporate] => 0 [ConfSO] => 0 [ConfSOdate] => [AccountsLink] => [QDRCancel] => [QDRActive] => 0 [hcupdate] => 1 [CIWEM] => 0 [SOCENV] => 0 [BMFDRS] => 0 [councilcall] => [PIScheme] => 2004 [PIExempt] => 0 [PIrunnoff] => 0 [PIrunnoff_expiry] => [Panel_NMH] => 0 [ED_Number] => 17 [ED_Cancel] => [ED_Active] => 1 [ICAEW] => 1 [ICAEW_join] => 2012-01-01 [ICAEWCancel] => [InternetLevel] => B [url_alias] => roger-isaacs [file_date] => 2004-04-13 [corp_company_ref] => [subs_year] => 2025 [sort_display] => Isaacs, Roger [last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863 [profile_view_email] => 1 [Name_Forename_formal] => Roger [Telephone_c] => GB [TelephoneH_c] => GB [Mobile_C] => GB [email2] => [Telephone_w] => 1 [TelephoneH_w] => 1 [Mobile_w] => 1 )

TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness
  • Expert Determiner

Specialist Registers

  • Expert Determiner
  • ICAEW Expert Scheme


  • Fellow of the ICAEW FCA (1992)
  • Licenced Insolvency Practitioner (1996)
  • CEDR Accredited Mediator CEDR (2000)
  • Fellow, Association of Business Recovery Professionals FABRP (2000)

Expert Witness Snapshot

As head of Milsted Langdon's litigation support team, Roger has extensive court experience and has been cross-examined in the High Court and County Courts as well as the Lands Tribunal and Employment Tribunals. He advises on Business Valuations in the context of Matrimonial, Partnership and Shareholder disputes as well as giving evidence in a wide range of professional negligence cases. He provides calculations for defendants and claimants in relation to personal injury, fatal accident and clinical negligence loss of earnings claims and his expertise as an insolvency practitioner means that he is well used to advising in relation to fraud, asset tracing and confiscation cases.

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