Chartered Accountant
[register] =>
[Membership_Number] => 1647
[Qualifications] => BA (Lancaster) 1977
FCA 1983
MAE 1996
[Secondary_Occupation] =>
[R1] => Partner
[Expert_Experience1] =>
[Expert_Experience2] => Most Audit, Accountacy, Taxation and Financially related matters
[C1] =>
[S3] =>
[Area_Worked] =>
[LegalAid] => 0
[No_Instructions3] =>
[No_Instructions1] =>
[No_Reports_Written3] =>
[No_Reports_Written1] =>
[No_Court_Appearances3] =>
[No_Court_Appearances1] =>
[Key_Words] => \'forensic\',\'forensic accounting\',\'forensic accountant\',\'forensic accountancy\',\'accountant\', \'accountancy\',\'single joint expert\',\'shareholder disputes\',\'loss of earning\',\'benefit fraud\',\'confiscation orders\', \'drug trafficking\',\'money laundering\',interest \',\'swaps\',hedging\',\'Crime & Fraud\',\'Business Dispute Resolution\',\'Share & Business Valuations\',\'Matrimonial Disputes\',\'Professional Negligence\',\'Tax Investigations\',\'Insolvency Litigation\',\'Personal Injury\',\'Financial Mis-Selling\',\'Mediation\',\'Mediator\',\'Business Interruption Claims\'
[Brief_CV] => I have over 30 years expert in the accountancy professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, taxation and general business advice for small and medium sized businesses. I have wide experience in the provision of expert reports and conducting investigations in both personal and commercial cases.
I was made a Partner at Bartfields in 1991 and started my own Forensic Accounting firm Davidsons Forensic Accountants after having worked for national firms, including one of the Big Four.
<strong>Experience & Specialist Fields</strong>
I have been providing Forensic Accounting services to solicitors and barristers for over 25 years. I am a recognised Single Joint Expert having trained with The Academy of Experts and experienced in giving evidence.
I have a wide experience of giving advice on many issues including:-
Fraud & Crime including Confiscation/Proceeds of Crime Act(POCA) proceedings.
<li>Business Dispute Resolution.</li>
<li>Share & Business Valuations.</li>
<li>Divorce/Matrimonial Disputes.</li>
<li>Professional Negligence.</li>
<li>Tax Investigations.</li>
<li>Insolvency Investigation.</li>
<li>Personal Injury & Fatal Accident Claims.</li>
<li>Business Interruption and Insurance Claims.</li>
<li>Covid Fraud.</li>
<li>Cryptocurrency Investigations.</li>
<strong>Court Attendances:</strong>
I have attended and given evidence on numerous occasions at Court in relation to both Civil and Criminal matters.
I am experienced in attending conferences with Counsel and is discussions with other experts with a view to preparing Joint Statements as directed by the Courts.
[Mediator_CV] => I have over 30 years expert in the accountancy professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, taxation and general business advice for small and medium sized businesses. I have wide experience in the provision of expert reports and conducting investigations in both personal and commercial cases.
I was made a Partner at Bartfields in 1991 and started my own Forensic Accounting firm Davidsons Forensic Accountants after having worked for national firms, including one of the Big Four.
<strong>Experience & Specialist Fields</strong>
I have been providing Forensic Accounting services to solicitors and barristers for over 25 years. I am a recognised Single Joint Expert having trained with The Academy of Experts and experienced in giving evidence.
I have a wide experience of giving advice on many issues including:-
Fraud & Crime including Confiscation/Proceeds of Crime Act(POCA) proceedings.
<li>Business Dispute Resolution.</li>
<li>Share & Business Valuations.</li>
<li>Divorce/Matrimonial Disputes.</li>
<li>Professional Negligence.</li>
<li>Tax Investigations.</li>
<li>Insolvency Investigation.</li>
<li>Personal Injury & Fatal Accident Claims.</li>
<li>Business Interruption and Insurance Claims.</li>
<li>Covid Fraud.</li>
<li>Cryptocurrency Investigations.</li>
<strong>Court Attendances:</strong>
I have attended and given evidence on numerous occasions at Court in relation to both Civil and Criminal matters.
I am experienced in attending conferences with Counsel and is discussions with other experts with a view to preparing Joint Statements as directed by the Courts.
[Submit] =>
[grade] =>
[Dispute_Experience] =>
[Offiicial_Positions] =>
[Other_Activities] =>
[CVviewscount] => 26
[dateofentry] =>
[cvamended] =>
[updated] => Óß
[Brief_CV2] => Career History
I have over 30 years expert in the accountancy professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience in auditing, accounting, taxation and general business advice for small and medium sized businesses. I have wide experience in the provision of expert reports and conducting investigations in both personal and commercial cases.
I was made a Partner at Barfields in 1991 after having worked for national firms, including one of the ÚBig FourÚ.
Experience & Specialist Fields
I have been providing Forensic Accounting services to solicitors and barristers for over 15 years. I am a recognised Single Joint Expert having trained with The Academy of Experts and am experienced in giving evidence.
I have a wide experience of giving advice to solicitors and barristers on many issues including:-
Criminal cases and commercial fraud investigations
Confiscation proceedings
VAT fraud
HM Revenue & Customs investigations
Commercial disputes, including loss of profit/consequential loss
Partnership disputes
Matrimonial valuations
Business & Share valuations
Personal injury and fatal accident
Professional negligence
Court Attendances
I have attended court on numerous occasions, including giving evidence on:-
Confiscation proceedings arising from drug trafficking, benefit fraud and dealing in counterfeit goods
Matrimonial disputes
Commercial disputes arising from breach of contract, shareholders disputes and loss of profit claims
I am experienced in attending conferences with Counsel and is discussions with other experts with a view to preparing Joint Statements as directed by the Courts.
Professional Memberships & Qualifications
Accounting and Finance Degree, Lancaster University (BA Hons)
Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (FCA)
Member of Litigation Support Group of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
Practicing Member of The Academy of Experts (MAE)
Member of the Network of Independent Forensic Accountants
Member of the Expert Witness Institute
Member of the Fraud Advisory Panel
Member of the Yorkshire & Humberside Fraud Forum
Member of the West & North Yorkshire Collaborative Family Law Group.
[update_ws] => 0
[Rec_no] => 1421
[Grade] => PM
[Active] => 1
[Name_Title] => Mr
[Name_Forename] => Raymond
[Name_Surname] => Davidson
[Additional_Names] => Saul
[Company] => Davidsons Forensic Accountants Limited
[country] => GB
[main_address] => Work
[Town] =>
[Overseas] => 0
[Telephone] => 0113 483 1127
[Telephone_Extension] =>
[Fax] =>
[TelephoneH] =>
[FaxH] =>
[Mobile] => 07719 192257
[email] =>
[main_contact] => Work
[wwwadr] =>
[Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant
[Job_Position] => Head of Forensic Accounting
[Employment_Status] =>
[QDR_Number] => 374
[Gender] => Male
[DateJoined] => 1996-08-07 00:00:00.000
[DateResigned] =>
[Societies] =>
[user] =>
[Amended] =>
[INVetting] => 0
[InDisciplinary] => 0
[profession 2] =>
[Date entered] => 1996-08-07 00:00:00.000
[Birthday] => 1956-05-16 00:00:00.000
[Joined] => 1996-08-07 00:00:00.000
[Tel 2] => 0181 950 8088
[Internet] => 1
[InternetStop] => 0
[inetpwd] => awr1647sdf
[InetDate] =>
[Inet_Year] => 2024
[MembType] => 1
[temp] => Raymond Saul
[DXNumber] =>
[DXArea] =>
[ProBono] => 0
[corporate] => 0
[ConfSO] => 0
[ConfSOdate] =>
[AccountsLink] => 1647
[QDRCancel] =>
[QDRActive] => 1
[hcupdate] => 1
[CIWEM] => 0
[SOCENV] => 0
[BMFDRS] => 0
[councilcall] =>
[PIScheme] => 2024
[PIExempt] => 0
[PIrunnoff] => 0
[PIrunnoff_expiry] =>
[Panel_NMH] => 0
[ED_Number] =>
[ED_Cancel] =>
[ED_Active] => 0
[ICAEW] => 1
[ICAEW_join] => 2012-04-12
[ICAEWCancel] =>
[InternetLevel] => B
[url_alias] => raymond-davidson
[file_date] => 1996-08-07
[corp_company_ref] =>
[subs_year] => 2025
[sort_display] => Davidson, Raymond
[last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863
[profile_view_email] => 1
[Name_Forename_formal] => Raymond
[Telephone_c] => GB
[TelephoneH_c] => GB
[Mobile_C] => GB
[email2] =>
[Telephone_w] => 1
[TelephoneH_w] => 1
[Mobile_w] => 1