Chartered Accountant
[register] =>
[Membership_Number] => 2507
[Qualifications] => FCA - 1979
ACA - 1972
FPC (Chartered Insurance Institute) - 1998
[Secondary_Occupation] =>
[R1] => Partner
[Expert_Experience1] => Patnership and shareholders disputes, divorce re financial disputes concerning divorce, revenue and customs enquiries
[Expert_Experience2] => Fraud and Inland Revenue enquiries.
[C1] =>
[S3] =>
[Area_Worked] =>
[LegalAid] => 0
[No_Instructions3] =>
[No_Instructions1] =>
[No_Reports_Written3] =>
[No_Reports_Written1] =>
[No_Court_Appearances3] =>
[No_Court_Appearances1] =>
[Key_Words] => 'partnership disputes', 'shareholder disputes', 'financial issues on divorce', 'fraud', 'revenue enquiries'
[Brief_CV] => Date of birth: 5 November 1950
Left School 1967
1967-1972 Articled Clerk at Nyman Libson Paul & Co (Chartered Accountants)
November 1972 Qualified as a member of ICAEW
1973 Joined Bellman Messik
1975 Partner
1983 Senior Partner
May 1995 Founded new firm of Chartered Accountants, Sobell Rhodes - Senior Partner
Passed Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Financial Planning Certificates examination of the Chartered Institute of Taxation in 1998.
As Senior Partner heading up a client portfolio of SMEs and taxation clients.
Specialising in the settlement of Revenue Enquiry cases including under Hansard.
Advising in respect of partnership and shareholder disputes.
Assisting solicitors where appropriate in divorce cases with regard to financial settlements.
Acting as an expert adviser to a local health authority in a claim against them for damages with regard to wrongful treatment.
Acting as a joint expert witness to the Court in a partnership dispute September 2003.
[Mediator_CV] =>
[Submit] =>
[grade] =>
[Dispute_Experience] =>
[Offiicial_Positions] =>
[Other_Activities] =>
[CVviewscount] => 38
[dateofentry] =>
[cvamended] =>
[updated] => ำเ
[Brief_CV2] => Date of birth: 5 November 1950
Left School 1967
1967-1972 Articled Clerk at Nyman Libson Paul & Co (Chartered Accountants)
November 1972 Qualified as a member of ICAEW
1973 Joined Bellman Messik
1975 Partner
1983 Senior Partner
May 1995 Founded new firm of Chartered Accountants, Sobell Rhodes - Senior Partner
Passed Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Financial Planning Certificates examination of the Chartered Institute of Taxation in 1998.
As Senior Partner heading up a client portfolio of SMEs and taxation clients.
Specialising in the settlement of Revenue Enquiry cases including under Hansard.
Advising in respect of partnership and shareholder disputes.
Assisting solicitors where appropriate in divorce cases with regard to financial settlements.
Acting as an expert adviser to a local health authority in a claim against them for damages with regard to wrongful treatment.
Acting as a joint expert witness to the Court in a partnership dispute September 2003.
[update_ws] => 0
[Rec_no] => 2111
[Grade] => PM
[Active] => 1
[Name_Title] => Mr
[Name_Forename] => Melvyn
[Name_Surname] => Sobell
[Additional_Names] => Barry
[Company] => Sobell Rhodes LLP
[country] => GB
[main_address] => Work
[Town] =>
[Overseas] => 0
[Telephone] => 020 8866 2151
[Telephone_Extension] =>
[Fax] => 020 8866 2157
[TelephoneH] => 020 8958 5026
[FaxH] => 020 8238 1769
[Mobile] =>
[email] =>
[main_contact] => Work
[wwwadr] =>
[Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant
[Job_Position] => Senior Partner
[Employment_Status] => Private Practice
[QDR_Number] =>
[Gender] => Male
[DateJoined] => 2003-10-29 00:00:00.000
[DateResigned] =>
[Societies] =>
[user] =>
[Amended] =>
[INVetting] => 0
[InDisciplinary] =>
[profession] =>
[profession 2] =>
[Date entered] =>
[Birthday] => 1950-11-05 00:00:00.000
[Joined] =>
[Tel 2] =>
[Internet] => 1
[InternetStop] => 0
[inetpwd] => asdas321
[InetDate] =>
[Inet_Year] => 2024
[MembType] => 0
[temp] =>
[DXNumber] =>
[DXArea] =>
[ProBono] => 0
[corporate] => 0
[ConfSO] => 0
[ConfSOdate] =>
[AccountsLink] =>
[QDRCancel] =>
[QDRActive] => 0
[hcupdate] => 1
[CIWEM] => 0
[SOCENV] => 0
[BMFDRS] => 0
[councilcall] =>
[PIScheme] => 2023
[PIExempt] => 0
[PIrunnoff] => 0
[PIrunnoff_expiry] =>
[Panel_NMH] => 0
[ED_Number] =>
[ED_Cancel] =>
[ED_Active] => 0
[ICAEW] => 1
[ICAEW_join] => 2012-03-09
[ICAEWCancel] =>
[InternetLevel] => B
[url_alias] => melvyn-sobell
[file_date] => 2003-10-29
[corp_company_ref] =>
[subs_year] => 2025
[sort_display] => Sobell, Melvyn
[last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863
[profile_view_email] => 1
[Name_Forename_formal] => Melvyn
[Telephone_c] => GB
[TelephoneH_c] => GB
[Mobile_C] => GB
[email2] =>
[Telephone_w] => 1
[TelephoneH_w] => 1
[Mobile_w] => 1