Mr Maurice Faull

Chartered Accountant

    [register] => 
    [Membership_Number] => 819
    [Qualifications] => Honors Law Degree from Cambridge University (1982)
Chartered Accountant (1987)
    [Secondary_Occupation] => 
    [R1] => Private Practice
    [Expert_Experience1] => 
    [Expert_Experience2] => as above
    [C1] => 
    [S3] => 
    [Area_Worked] => 
    [LegalAid] => 0
    [No_Instructions3] => 
    [No_Instructions1] => 
    [No_Reports_Written3] => 
    [No_Reports_Written1] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances3] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances1] => 
    [Key_Words] => Forensic accountant, expert accountant, share valuation expert, business valuation expert
    [Brief_CV] => Maurice has a Law degree from Cambridge University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the London office of KPMG.

Maurice has acted as an expert forensic accountant in over 1,000 cases and has given expert evidence in court on numerous occasions. He has been a Member of the Academy of Experts since 1992 and is a Founding Member of the Expert Witness Institute. His credentials have been checked by the Law Society as an expert witness.

Maurice specialises in the quantification of claims in personal injury, fatal accident and clinical negligence cases, in business and share valuations and in other forensic accountancy assignments.

Maurice is on the panel of experts nominated by the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales to provide expert determinations in valuation disputes.
    [Mediator_CV] => 
    [Submit] => 
    [ACCOUNT_REF] => 
    [grade] => 
    [Dispute_Experience] => 
    [Offiicial_Positions] => 
    [Other_Activities] => 
    [CVviewscount] => 2
    [dateofentry] => 
    [cvamended] => 
    [updated] => Σί
    [Brief_CV2] =>  

[update_ws] => 0 [Rec_no] => 496 [Grade] => PM [Active] => 1 [Name_Title] => Mr [Name_Forename] => Maurice [Name_Surname] => Faull [Additional_Names] => Leon [Company] => Hilton Sharp & Clarke Forensic Accountants [country] => GB [main_address] => Work [Town] => [Overseas] => 0 [Telephone] => 01273 265000 [Telephone_Extension] => [Fax] => 01273 889659 [TelephoneH] => [FaxH] => [Mobile] => [email] => [main_contact] => Work [wwwadr] => [Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant [Job_Position] => Director [Employment_Status] => [QDR_Number] => [Gender] => Male [DateJoined] => 1992-11-12 00:00:00.000 [DateResigned] => [Societies] => [user] => [Amended] => [INVetting] => 0 [InDisciplinary] => 0 [profession] => CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT [profession 2] => [Date entered] => 1994-07-19 00:00:00.000 [Birthday] => 1960-05-12 00:00:00.000 [Joined] => 1992-11-12 00:00:00.000 [Tel 2] => [Internet] => 1 [InternetStop] => 0 [inetpwd] => ias819bdw [InetDate] => [Inet_Year] => 2024 [MembType] => 1 [temp] => Maurice Leon [DXNumber] => 36699 [DXArea] => BRIGHTON 2 [ProBono] => 0 [corporate] => 0 [ConfSO] => 0 [ConfSOdate] => [AccountsLink] => 0819 [QDRCancel] => [QDRActive] => 0 [hcupdate] => 1 [CIWEM] => 0 [SOCENV] => 0 [BMFDRS] => 0 [councilcall] => [PIScheme] => [PIExempt] => 0 [PIrunnoff] => 0 [PIrunnoff_expiry] => [Panel_NMH] => 0 [ED_Number] => [ED_Cancel] => [ED_Active] => 0 [ICAEW] => 1 [ICAEW_join] => 2012-03-09 [ICAEWCancel] => [InternetLevel] => B [url_alias] => maurice-faull [file_date] => 1992-11-12 [corp_company_ref] => [subs_year] => 2025 [sort_display] => Faull, Maurice [last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863 [profile_view_email] => 1 [Name_Forename_formal] => Maurice [Telephone_c] => GB [TelephoneH_c] => GB [Mobile_C] => GB [email2] => [Telephone_w] => 1 [TelephoneH_w] => 1 [Mobile_w] => 1 )

TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness

Specialist Registers

  • ICAEW Expert Scheme


  • Honors Law Degree from Cambridge University (1982)
  • Chartered Accountant (1987)

Expert Witness Snapshot

Maurice has a Law degree from Cambridge University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the London office of KPMG.

Maurice has acted as an expert forensic accountant in over 1,000 cases and has given expert evidence in court on numerous occasions. He has been a Member of the Academy of Experts since 1992 and is a Founding Member of the Expert Witness Institute. His credentials have been checked by the Law Society as an expert witness.

Maurice specialises in the quantification of claims in personal injury, fatal accident and clinical negligence cases, in business and share valuations and in other forensic accountancy assignments.

Maurice is on the panel of experts nominated by the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales to provide expert determinations in valuation disputes.

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