Chartered Accountant
[register] =>
[Membership_Number] => 3660
[Qualifications] =>
[Secondary_Occupation] =>
[R1] =>
[Expert_Experience1] =>
[Expert_Experience2] =>
[C1] =>
[S3] =>
[Area_Worked] =>
[LegalAid] =>
[No_Instructions3] =>
[No_Instructions1] =>
[No_Reports_Written3] =>
[No_Reports_Written1] =>
[No_Court_Appearances3] =>
[No_Court_Appearances1] =>
[Key_Words] => Valuation, Litigation Support, Fraud, Forensic Accounting
[Brief_CV] => We offer a broad range of forensic accountancy services such as personal injury, business valuations, losses arising from mis-sold hedging products, commercial disputes, divorce investigations, fraud investigations, proceeds of crime, expert determination, professional including audit negligence. We work regularly with solicitors across Scotland and in London helping them prevent and resolve legal disputes through our forensic accountancy expertise. We aim to provide our clients with a high quality independent service. We undertake both civil and criminal assignments and act for defendants, claimants and as single joint experts
[Mediator_CV] =>
[Submit] =>
[grade] =>
[Dispute_Experience] =>
[Offiicial_Positions] =>
[Other_Activities] =>
[CVviewscount] =>
[dateofentry] =>
[cvamended] =>
[updated] => Óâ-
[Brief_CV2] =>
[update_ws] => 0
[Rec_no] => 3175
[Grade] => PM
[Active] => 1
[Name_Title] => Mr
[Name_Forename] => Jeffrey
[Name_Surname] => Meek
[Additional_Names] =>
[Company] => Jeffrey A C Meek LLP
[country] => GB
[main_address] => Work
[Town] =>
[Overseas] =>
[Telephone] => 01337 832501
[Telephone_Extension] =>
[Fax] =>
[TelephoneH] =>
[FaxH] =>
[Mobile] => 07736 355135
[email] =>
[main_contact] => Work
[wwwadr] =>
[Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant
[Job_Position] => Partner
[Employment_Status] =>
[QDR_Number] =>
[Gender] => Male
[DateJoined] => 2020-04-30 00:00:00.000
[DateResigned] =>
[Societies] =>
[user] =>
[Amended] =>
[INVetting] => 0
[InDisciplinary] =>
[profession] =>
[profession 2] =>
[Date entered] =>
[Birthday] => 1962-04-26 00:00:00.000
[Joined] =>
[Tel 2] =>
[Internet] =>
[InternetStop] =>
[inetpwd] => Np9931HHUA
[InetDate] =>
[Inet_Year] =>
[MembType] =>
[temp] =>
[DXNumber] =>
[DXArea] =>
[ProBono] =>
[corporate] => 0
[ConfSO] =>
[ConfSOdate] =>
[AccountsLink] =>
[QDRCancel] =>
[QDRActive] =>
[hcupdate] =>
[CIWEM] =>
[councilcall] =>
[PIScheme] =>
[PIExempt] =>
[PIrunnoff] =>
[PIrunnoff_expiry] =>
[Panel_NMH] =>
[ED_Number] =>
[ED_Cancel] =>
[ED_Active] =>
[ICAEW] => 1
[ICAEW_join] => 2021-09-27
[ICAEWCancel] =>
[InternetLevel] => B
[url_alias] => jeffrey-meek
[file_date] => 2020-06-08
[corp_company_ref] =>
[subs_year] => 2025
[sort_display] => Meek, Jeffrey
[last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863
[profile_view_email] => 1
[Name_Forename_formal] => Jeffrey
[Telephone_c] => GB
[TelephoneH_c] => GB
[Mobile_C] => GB
[email2] =>
[Telephone_w] => 1
[TelephoneH_w] => 1
[Mobile_w] => 1