Mr David Greene

Chartered Accountant

    [register] => 
    [Membership_Number] => 2263
    [Qualifications] => FCA - 1970
FCCA - 1980
    [Secondary_Occupation] => 
    [R1] => Partner
    [Expert_Experience1] => 
    [Expert_Experience2] => As above
    [C1] => 
    [S3] => 
    [Area_Worked] => 
    [LegalAid] => 0
    [No_Instructions3] => 
    [No_Instructions1] => 
    [No_Reports_Written3] => 
    [No_Reports_Written1] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances3] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances1] => 
    [Key_Words] => accountancy, finance, tax, share valuation, business valuation, forensic accounting, divorce, financial remedy, forensic accountant
    [Brief_CV] => I have more than 35 years experience of providing forensic accounting and expert witness services to law firms and clients in matrimonial and commercial proceedings. I have been instructed in numerous divorce cases requiring valuations of companies and businesses in many different fields. I have given evidence in the High Court and the Central Family Court many times.  My reported cases are NA v MA [2006] EWHC 2900 (Fam); J v J [2009] EWHC 2654 (Fam); R v R [2009] EWHC 1267 (Fam), Goddard-Watts v Goddard-Watts [2016] EWHC 3000 (Fam) and CB v KB [2019] EWFC 78.

I have presented lectures on how to value companies and businesses in matrimonial proceedings; on tax issues relating to divorce; and on how to interpret company accounts at leading Family Law firms, at Barristers\' Chambers (1 Hare Court, Queen Elizabeth Building and One King\'s Bench Walk) and at various conferences.

I have extensive experience of all aspects of matrimonial disputes including:
* Reporting on the values and liquidity of companies and businesses.
* Reporting on sustainable income.
* Investigating the completeness of financial disclosures.
* Assisting in the preparation of Forms E and Questionnaires in complex cases.
* Advising on tax efficient structuring of settlements.
* Advising in the capacity of a shadow expert.

I have always adopted a sensitive and practical approach to my work as my preference is for the parties to reach a settlement without having to go to court.
    [Mediator_CV] => 
    [Submit] => 
    [ACCOUNT_REF] => 
    [grade] => 
    [Dispute_Experience] => 
    [Offiicial_Positions] => 
    [Other_Activities] => 
    [CVviewscount] => 189
    [dateofentry] => 
    [cvamended] => 
    [updated] => Óßá
    [Brief_CV2] => 

I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and a member of The Academy of Experts. I am an affiliate member of Resolution

I head the Forensic Group at Martin Greene Ravden LLP, Chartered Accountants, of 55 Loudoun Road, St JohnÚs Wood, London, NW8 0DL.

Since 1973, I have provided a broad range of professional services to a large number of corporate and personal clients of all sizes.  Since 1995 I have specialized in forensic accounting, litigation support and expert witness work in matrimonial and commercial disputes.  I have given evidence in the High Court in some high profile cases.

I have presented lectures on forensic accounting, business and share valuations, and taxation issues in relation to ancillary relief at SolicitorsÚ Family Law Association conferences, Jordan Publishing conferences, Family Law Chambers in London (1 Hare Court, Queen Elizabeth Building and One Kings Bench Walk) and at leading Family Law firms.

I have carried out a wide variety of expert witness and specialist assignments.  These include:

Matrimonial disputes
*    Acting as an Expert Witness in complex Family Law cases.
*    Valuing businesses and shares in companies.
*    Investigating the completeness of financial disclosures.
*    Reporting on income, capital and liquidity positions.
*    Advising on the tax efficient structuring of settlements.
*    Assisting in the preparation of Forms E and Questionnaires in complex cases.

Reported cases: P v P[2003], EWHC Fam 2260; NA v MA [2006] EWCH 2900 (Fam); J v J [2009] EWHC 2654 (Fam); R v R [2009] EWHC 1267 (Fam).

Commercial disputes
*    Acting as an expert witness in commercial disputes, particularly in the media and entertainment industry.
*    Quantifying loss and claims for damages.
*    Advising on accounting and tax issues in shareholder and partnership disputes.

*    Corporate fraud and Serious Fraud Office investigations.

*    Advising on company acquisitions and disposals, and related deal structuring and tax issues.
*    Due diligence investigations in connection with company and business acquisitions.
*    Valuing recording and publishing catalogues.
*    Resolving large tax and VAT investigations.
*    Company and personal tax planning.
*    Business consulting and advice on management information systems.

[update_ws] => 0 [Rec_no] => 1826 [Grade] => PM [Active] => 1 [Name_Title] => Mr [Name_Forename] => David [Name_Surname] => Greene [Additional_Names] => Antony [Company] => MGR Weston Kay LLP [country] => GB [main_address] => Work [Town] => [Overseas] => 0 [Telephone] => 020 8449 4109 [Telephone_Extension] => [Fax] => 020 7625 5265 [TelephoneH] => 020 8449 4109 [FaxH] => 020 8440 1063 [Mobile] => 07712 674319 [email] => [main_contact] => Work [wwwadr] => [Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant [Job_Position] => Consultant [Employment_Status] => Private Practice [QDR_Number] => [Gender] => Male [DateJoined] => 2000-06-13 00:00:00.000 [DateResigned] => [Societies] => [user] => [Amended] => [INVetting] => 0 [InDisciplinary] => [profession] => [profession 2] => [Date entered] => [Birthday] => 1947-10-11 00:00:00.000 [Joined] => [Tel 2] => [Internet] => 1 [InternetStop] => 0 [inetpwd] => yrg2263pyb [InetDate] => [Inet_Year] => 2024 [MembType] => 1 [temp] => [DXNumber] => [DXArea] => [ProBono] => 0 [corporate] => 0 [ConfSO] => 0 [ConfSOdate] => [AccountsLink] => 2263 [QDRCancel] => [QDRActive] => 0 [hcupdate] => 1 [CIWEM] => 0 [SOCENV] => 0 [BMFDRS] => 0 [councilcall] => [PIScheme] => 2012 [PIExempt] => 0 [PIrunnoff] => 0 [PIrunnoff_expiry] => [Panel_NMH] => 0 [ED_Number] => [ED_Cancel] => [ED_Active] => 0 [ICAEW] => 1 [ICAEW_join] => 2012-04-12 [ICAEWCancel] => [InternetLevel] => S [url_alias] => david-greene [file_date] => 2000-06-13 [corp_company_ref] => [subs_year] => 2025 [sort_display] => Greene, David [last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863 [profile_view_email] => 1 [Name_Forename_formal] => David [Telephone_c] => GB [TelephoneH_c] => GB [Mobile_C] => GB [email2] => [Telephone_w] => 1 [TelephoneH_w] => 1 [Mobile_w] => 1 )

TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness

Specialist Registers

  • ICAEW Expert Scheme


  • Fellow of the ICAEW FCA (1970)
  • Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants FCCA (1980)

Expert Witness Snapshot

I have more than 35 years experience of providing forensic accounting and expert witness services to law firms and clients in matrimonial and commercial proceedings. I have been instructed in numerous divorce cases requiring valuations of companies and businesses in many different fields. I have given evidence in the High Court and the Central Family Court many times.  My reported cases are NA v MA [2006] EWHC 2900 (Fam); J v J [2009] EWHC 2654 (Fam); R v R [2009] EWHC 1267 (Fam), Goddard-Watts v Goddard-Watts [2016] EWHC 3000 (Fam) and CB v KB [2019] EWFC 78.

I have presented lectures on how to value companies and businesses in matrimonial proceedings; on tax issues relating to divorce; and on how to interpret company accounts at leading Family Law firms, at Barristers\' Chambers (1 Hare Court, Queen Elizabeth Building and One King\'s Bench Walk) and at various conferences.

I have extensive experience of all aspects of matrimonial disputes including:
* Reporting on the values and liquidity of companies and businesses.
* Reporting on sustainable income.
* Investigating the completeness of financial disclosures.
* Assisting in the preparation of Forms E and Questionnaires in complex cases.
* Advising on tax efficient structuring of settlements.
* Advising in the capacity of a shadow expert.

I have always adopted a sensitive and practical approach to my work as my preference is for the parties to reach a settlement without having to go to court.

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