Mr David Bunker

Chartered Accountant

    [register] => 
    [Membership_Number] => 2587
    [Qualifications] => BA (Hons) - 1971
FCA - 1981
Member CIArb - 2004
ADR Group Accredited Mediators - 2004
ICAEW Accredited Forensic Account (by examination) - 2010
    [Secondary_Occupation] => 
    [R1] => Partner
    [Expert_Experience1] => 
    [Expert_Experience2] => Business valuation, in particular in the valuation of shares in partnerships and private limited companies.
    [C1] => 
    [S3] => 
    [Area_Worked] => 
    [LegalAid] => 0
    [No_Instructions3] => 
    [No_Instructions1] => 
    [No_Reports_Written3] => 
    [No_Reports_Written1] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances3] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances1] => 
    [Key_Words] => partnership share of profits, accounting principles, shareholder disputes, insurance claims, matrimonial calculations
    [Brief_CV] => <strong>Relevant Experience</strong>
Trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG and qualified in 1976.

Practised as a Chartered Accountant for over 35 years, dealing with a wide range of audit, accounting and taxation matters.

Presided over a number of commercial disputes, both written and oral.

Acted as Expert in reporting on matters relating to business valuation, calculation of profits, practice dissolution and accounting matters.

Acted as an Arbitrator in a wide range of disputes between shareholders of private companies and in professional practices.

<strong>Other Experience</strong>
Acted as Director and consultant to private limited companies; advised on business sales and purchases and advisor to trustees of a number of charities.
    [Mediator_CV] => I have been in practice as a Chartered Accountant for over twenty years, acting for a wide range of owner managed businesses, professional partnerships and high net worth individuals. During the course of my work I have become involved with business disputes arising out of disputes between owners, business disposals, matrimonial breakdown and insurance claims.
As a consequence I have developed an interest and experience in various forms of alternative dispute resolution and have acted as arbitrator, mediator, or expert as the occasion warrants
    [Submit] => 
    [ACCOUNT_REF] => 
    [grade] => 
    [Dispute_Experience] => 
    [Offiicial_Positions] => 
    [Other_Activities] => 
    [CVviewscount] => 41
    [dateofentry] => 
    [cvamended] => 
    [updated] => ��&
    [Brief_CV2] => Memberships
Audit Faculty, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
Panel Member, PresidentÚs Appointment Scheme ICAEW.
Regional Chairman, UK 200 Group of Practising Chartered Accountants.

Relevant Experience
Trained as a Chartered Accountant with Thomson McLintock and qualified in 1976.
Practised as a Chartered Accountant for over 25 years, dealing with a wide range of audit, accounting and taxation matters.
Presided over a number of commercial disputes, both written and oral.
Acted as Expert in reporting on matters relating to business valuation, calculation of profits, practice dissolution and accounting matters.

Other Experience
Acted as Director and consultant to private limited companies; advised on business sales and purchases and advisor to trustees of a number of charities.

[update_ws] => 0 [Rec_no] => 2161 [Grade] => PM [Active] => 1 [Name_Title] => Mr [Name_Forename] => David [Name_Surname] => Bunker [Additional_Names] => Alan Langley [Company] => David Bunker Chartered Accountant [country] => GB [main_address] => Work [Town] => [Overseas] => 0 [Telephone] => 07831 784006 [Telephone_Extension] => [Fax] => 0117 905 5061 [TelephoneH] => [FaxH] => [Mobile] => 07831 784006 [email] => [main_contact] => Work [wwwadr] => [Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant [Job_Position] => Partner [Employment_Status] => [QDR_Number] => 327 [Gender] => Male [DateJoined] => 2004-11-26 00:00:00.000 [DateResigned] => [Societies] => [user] => [Amended] => [INVetting] => 0 [InDisciplinary] => [profession] => [profession 2] => [Date entered] => [Birthday] => [Joined] => [Tel 2] => [Internet] => 1 [InternetStop] => 0 [inetpwd] => bun789 [InetDate] => [Inet_Year] => 2024 [MembType] => 0 [temp] => [DXNumber] => [DXArea] => [ProBono] => 0 [corporate] => 0 [ConfSO] => 0 [ConfSOdate] => [AccountsLink] => [QDRCancel] => [QDRActive] => 1 [hcupdate] => 1 [CIWEM] => 0 [SOCENV] => 0 [BMFDRS] => 0 [councilcall] => [PIScheme] => 2011 [PIExempt] => 0 [PIrunnoff] => 0 [PIrunnoff_expiry] => [Panel_NMH] => 0 [ED_Number] => [ED_Cancel] => [ED_Active] => 0 [ICAEW] => 1 [ICAEW_join] => 2012-03-09 [ICAEWCancel] => [InternetLevel] => G [url_alias] => david-bunker [file_date] => 2004-11-26 [corp_company_ref] => [subs_year] => 2025 [sort_display] => Bunker, David [last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863 [profile_view_email] => 1 [Name_Forename_formal] => David [Telephone_c] => GB [TelephoneH_c] => GB [Mobile_C] => GB [email2] => [Telephone_w] => 1 [TelephoneH_w] => 1 [Mobile_w] => 1 )

TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness
  • Mediator

Specialist Registers

  • ICAEW Expert Scheme


  • Bachelor of Arts BA (Hons) (1971)
  • Fellow of the ICAEW FCA (1981)
  • ADR Group Accredited Mediators (2004)
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators MCIArb (2004)
  • ICAEW Accredited Forensic Account (by examination) (2010)

Expert Witness Snapshot

Relevant Experience
Trained as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG and qualified in 1976.

Practised as a Chartered Accountant for over 35 years, dealing with a wide range of audit, accounting and taxation matters.

Presided over a number of commercial disputes, both written and oral.

Acted as Expert in reporting on matters relating to business valuation, calculation of profits, practice dissolution and accounting matters.

Acted as an Arbitrator in a wide range of disputes between shareholders of private companies and in professional practices.

Other Experience
Acted as Director and consultant to private limited companies; advised on business sales and purchases and advisor to trustees of a number of charities.

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