Chartered Accountant
[register] => E
[Membership_Number] => 1105
[Qualifications] => BSc (1977), ACA(1980), MBA(1987), Member Academy of Experts(1994)
[Secondary_Occupation] =>
[R1] => Partner
[Expert_Experience1] =>
[Expert_Experience2] => Wider areas of management
[C1] => ON
[S3] => United States, Eastern Europe, former Yugoslavia,
[Area_Worked] =>
[LegalAid] => 1
[No_Instructions3] => 60
[No_Instructions1] => 20
[No_Reports_Written3] => 50
[No_Reports_Written1] => 15
[No_Court_Appearances3] => 10
[No_Court_Appearances1] => 3
[Key_Words] => accountancy, partnerships, accountancy relating to divorce, accountancy relating to partnerships, accountants professional fees, acquisitions and mergers, breach of contract - quantum, breach of warranty - quantum, breach of warranty, business finance, business fraud, business valuation, commercial fraud, company directors, compensation for loss of employment, consequential loss - quantum, disqualification of directors, documentation in finance, financial documentation, financial investigations for divorce, forensic accountancy, forensic accounting, fraud, intellectual property, investigations of finance, litigation support accountancy, medical negligence, personal injury, mergers and acquisitions, professional negligence in accountancy, quantum in divorce, quantum in medical negligence, quantum of arson, quantum of libel, quantum of partnerships, quantum of professional negligence, share valuation, valuation of partnerships, quantification, compulsory purchase, CPO
[Brief_CV] => Charles Lazarevic is the founder of Vero Consulting, London, a boutique firm of Chartered Accountants and Forensic Accountants.
Mr Lazarevic qualified as a Chartered Accountant with a 'big four' firm in 1980. His career has been spent with major professional firms in London providing accounting, taxation, auditing and investigations services of clients ranging from small businesses to major listed companies and publicly funded bodies.
These clients have been involved in various fields including manufacturing, property and investment, trading, retailing, financial services (particularly insurance and banking), charities and the public sector.
Mr Lazarevic has specialised in expert accountancy work since 1986. Over this period, he has prepared reports in cases involving business valuations, loss of profits cases, consequential loss, breach of warranty, arson, acquisition and mergers, personal injury, professional negligence, fraud investigations (both prosecution and defence work), directors' disqualification cases, partnership disputes, intellectual property, divorce, financial solvency reports and corporate governance matters.
He has written articles and lectured widely on acting as an expert witness.
[Mediator_CV] =>
[Submit] =>
[grade] =>
[Dispute_Experience] =>
[Offiicial_Positions] =>
[Other_Activities] =>
[CVviewscount] => 702
[dateofentry] =>
[cvamended] =>
[updated] => Óß/
[Brief_CV2] => Charles Lazarevic is head of litigation support for Moore Stephens, London, a leading firm of Chartered Accountants.
Mr Lazarevic qualified as a Chartered Accountant with a Úbig fourÚ firm in 1980. His career has been spent with major professional firms in London providing accounting, taxation, auditing and investigations services of clients ranging from small businesses to major listed companies and publicly funded bodies.
These clients have been involved in various fields including manufacturing, property and investment, trading, retailing, financial services (particularly insurance and banking), charities and the public sector.
Mr Lazarevic has specialised in expert accountancy work since 1986. Over this period, he has prepared reports in cases involving business valuations, loss of profits cases, consequential loss, breach of warranty, arson, acquisition and mergers, personal injury, professional negligence, fraud investigations (both prosecution and defence work), directorsÚ disqualification cases, partnership disputes, intellectual property, divorce, financial solvency reports and corporate governance matters.
He has written articles and lectured widely on acting as an expert witness.
[update_ws] => 0
[Rec_no] => 1201
[Grade] => PM
[Active] => 1
[Name_Title] => Mr
[Name_Forename] => Charles
[Name_Surname] => Lazarevic
[Additional_Names] =>
[Company] => Vero Consulting Ltd
[country] => GB
[main_address] => Work
[Town] =>
[Overseas] => 0
[Telephone] => 020 3858 0805
[Telephone_Extension] =>
[Fax] =>
[TelephoneH] =>
[FaxH] =>
[Mobile] => 07887 626295
[email] =>
[main_contact] => Work
[wwwadr] =>
[Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant
[Job_Position] => Partner, Head of Forensic Services
[Employment_Status] => Partner
[QDR_Number] =>
[Gender] => Male
[DateJoined] => 1994-06-16 00:00:00.000
[DateResigned] =>
[Societies] =>
[user] =>
[Amended] =>
[INVetting] => 0
[InDisciplinary] => 0
[profession 2] =>
[Date entered] => 1994-07-19 00:00:00.000
[Birthday] => 1955-12-24 00:00:00.000
[Joined] => 1994-06-16 00:00:00.000
[Tel 2] => 0117 9240678 H
[Internet] => 0
[InternetStop] => 0
[inetpwd] => lwd1105she
[InetDate] =>
[Inet_Year] => 2023
[MembType] => 1
[temp] => Dragoslav
[DXNumber] =>
[DXArea] =>
[ProBono] => 1
[corporate] => 0
[ConfSO] => 0
[ConfSOdate] =>
[AccountsLink] => 1105
[QDRCancel] =>
[QDRActive] => 0
[hcupdate] => 1
[CIWEM] => 0
[SOCENV] => 0
[BMFDRS] => 0
[councilcall] =>
[PIScheme] => 2021
[PIExempt] => 0
[PIrunnoff] => 0
[PIrunnoff_expiry] =>
[Panel_NMH] => 0
[ED_Number] =>
[ED_Cancel] =>
[ED_Active] => 0
[ICAEW] => 1
[ICAEW_join] => 2012-04-12
[ICAEWCancel] =>
[InternetLevel] => G
[url_alias] => charles-lazarevic
[file_date] => 1994-06-16
[corp_company_ref] =>
[subs_year] => 2025
[sort_display] => Lazarevic, Charles
[last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863
[profile_view_email] => 1
[Name_Forename_formal] => Charles
[Telephone_c] => GB
[TelephoneH_c] => GB
[Mobile_C] => GB
[email2] =>
[Telephone_w] => 1
[TelephoneH_w] => 1
[Mobile_w] => 1