Mr Ian Cherry

Chartered Accountant

    [register] => 
    [Membership_Number] => 1826
    [Qualifications] => BA - 1978
Cert.of Fellowship of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales - 1992
    [Secondary_Occupation] => 
    [R1] => Private Practice
    [Expert_Experience1] => 
    [Expert_Experience2] => 
    [C1] => 
    [S3] => 
    [Area_Worked] => 
    [LegalAid] => 0
    [No_Instructions3] => 
    [No_Instructions1] => 
    [No_Reports_Written3] => 
    [No_Reports_Written1] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances3] => 
    [No_Court_Appearances1] => 
    [Key_Words] => Expert, Forensic Accountant, Arbitrator, Mediator
    [Brief_CV] => After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) with Spicer & Pegler (now Deloittes), Ian worked in a managerial capacity with Price Waterhouse (Kenya), Commonwealth Development Corporation (Tanzania, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) and KPMG. Formerly Senior Manager responsible for the North West forensic Accounting Department of KPMG, he formed one of the first practices specialising in forensic accounting in 1988.

Ian has acted as an Expert Witness in several thousand cases involving forensic accounting. He has been instructed by both claimant and defendant solicitors to advise the Court on claims for loss of profits and other matters as a Forensic Accountant and Expert Witness. He has been instructed as a Joint Expert on many occasions. In addition, he has been instructed by The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority to advise on quantum of loss of earnings in criminal cases.

He has given evidence in The Royal Courts of Justice on several occasions, together with many appearances in the High Court, Crown Court, County Court, Tax Tribunals and Employer Tribunals.

Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, he holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies, he is also an ICAEW Accredited Forensic Accountant, a Practising Member of the Academy of Experts, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Member of the Expert Witness Institute and a Panel Member of the President's Appointment Scheme of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He has carried out appointments and many referrals. He is also a Freeman of the City of London and a Member of The Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Livery Company.

In addition to his Forensic work, Ian is a Registered Auditor and has a commercial practice as a Chartered Accountant carrying out accountancy, tax and audit work for a wide range of Clients. He is also licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales.
    [Mediator_CV] => 
    [Submit] => 
    [ACCOUNT_REF] => 
    [grade] => 
    [Dispute_Experience] => 
    [Offiicial_Positions] => 
    [Other_Activities] => 
    [CVviewscount] => 2
    [dateofentry] => 
    [cvamended] => 
    [updated] => Óßš
    [Brief_CV2] =>  

[update_ws] => 0 [Rec_no] => 1752 [Grade] => PM [Active] => 1 [Name_Title] => Mr [Name_Forename] => Ian [Name_Surname] => Cherry [Additional_Names] => [Company] => A. I. Cherry Chartered Accountants [country] => GB [main_address] => Work [Town] => [Overseas] => 0 [Telephone] => 01772 201015 [Telephone_Extension] => [Fax] => 01772 204739 [TelephoneH] => [FaxH] => [Mobile] => 07713 625349 [email] => [main_contact] => Work [wwwadr] => [Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant [Job_Position] => Chief Executive [Employment_Status] => [QDR_Number] => [Gender] => Male [DateJoined] => 1997-02-11 00:00:00.000 [DateResigned] => [Societies] => [user] => [Amended] => [INVetting] => 0 [InDisciplinary] => 0 [profession] => CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT [profession 2] => [Date entered] => 1997-02-11 00:00:00.000 [Birthday] => 1954-11-04 00:00:00.000 [Joined] => 1997-02-11 00:00:00.000 [Tel 2] => 01386 41083 H [Internet] => 1 [InternetStop] => 0 [inetpwd] => sdf1826awr [InetDate] => [Inet_Year] => 2024 [MembType] => 1 [temp] => Anthony Ian [DXNumber] => [DXArea] => [ProBono] => 0 [corporate] => 0 [ConfSO] => 0 [ConfSOdate] => [AccountsLink] => 1826 [QDRCancel] => [QDRActive] => 0 [hcupdate] => 1 [CIWEM] => 0 [SOCENV] => 0 [BMFDRS] => 0 [councilcall] => [PIScheme] => 2006 [PIExempt] => 0 [PIrunnoff] => 0 [PIrunnoff_expiry] => [Panel_NMH] => 0 [ED_Number] => [ED_Cancel] => [ED_Active] => 0 [ICAEW] => 1 [ICAEW_join] => 2012-01-01 [ICAEWCancel] => [InternetLevel] => G [url_alias] => anthony-cherry [file_date] => 1997-02-11 [corp_company_ref] => [subs_year] => 2025 [sort_display] => Cherry, Ian [last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863 [profile_view_email] => 1 [Name_Forename_formal] => Ian [Telephone_c] => GB [TelephoneH_c] => GB [Mobile_C] => GB [email2] => [Telephone_w] => 1 [TelephoneH_w] => 1 [Mobile_w] => 1 )

TAE Accreditations

  • Expert Witness

Specialist Registers

  • ICAEW Expert Scheme


  • ICAEW Accredited Forensic Accountant
  • Bachelor of Arts BA (Hons) (1978)
  • Fellow of the ICAEW FCA (1992)
  • Member, The Academy of Experts MAE (1997)
  • Member, Chartered Insitute of Arbitrators MCIArb (2000)
  • Member, Expert Witness Institute MEWI (2011)

Expert Witness Snapshot

After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) with Spicer & Pegler (now Deloittes), Ian worked in a managerial capacity with Price Waterhouse (Kenya), Commonwealth Development Corporation (Tanzania, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) and KPMG. Formerly Senior Manager responsible for the North West forensic Accounting Department of KPMG, he formed one of the first practices specialising in forensic accounting in 1988.

Ian has acted as an Expert Witness in several thousand cases involving forensic accounting. He has been instructed by both claimant and defendant solicitors to advise the Court on claims for loss of profits and other matters as a Forensic Accountant and Expert Witness. He has been instructed as a Joint Expert on many occasions. In addition, he has been instructed by The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority to advise on quantum of loss of earnings in criminal cases.

He has given evidence in The Royal Courts of Justice on several occasions, together with many appearances in the High Court, Crown Court, County Court, Tax Tribunals and Employer Tribunals.

Ian is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, he holds a BA (Hons) in Business Studies, he is also an ICAEW Accredited Forensic Accountant, a Practising Member of the Academy of Experts, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Member of the Expert Witness Institute and a Panel Member of the President's Appointment Scheme of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He has carried out appointments and many referrals. He is also a Freeman of the City of London and a Member of The Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Livery Company.

In addition to his Forensic work, Ian is a Registered Auditor and has a commercial practice as a Chartered Accountant carrying out accountancy, tax and audit work for a wide range of Clients. He is also licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales.

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