Chartered Accountant
[register] =>
[Membership_Number] => 2884
[Qualifications] => ACA - 2001
BA Hons in Philosophy (2.1)
MAE - 2009
MEWI - 2010
[Secondary_Occupation] =>
[R1] => Employee
[Expert_Experience1] =>
[Expert_Experience2] => PI including medical negligence and occupational diseases.
[C1] =>
[S3] =>
[Area_Worked] =>
[LegalAid] => 0
[No_Instructions3] =>
[No_Instructions1] =>
[No_Reports_Written3] =>
[No_Reports_Written1] =>
[No_Court_Appearances3] =>
[No_Court_Appearances1] =>
[Key_Words] => Loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of dependency, Lost Years calculations, loss of pension benefits, loss of employee benefits, loss of share options, loss of company value, non-UK resident earnings, off-shore earnings, clinical negligence, mesothelioma, industrial diseases
[Brief_CV] => Amanda is a Principal with Baker Tilly and has been involved in forensic accounting in London since 1997. She focuses her practice on litigation support and the quantification of loss of profit and personal injury/fatal accident claims and heads up Baker Tilly’s UK Personal Injury team.
Amanda has particular experience in:
<li>Evaluation of business losses arising in owner managed businesses ranging from SMEs to multi-jurisdictional enterprise</li>
<li>Valuation of businesses</li>
<li>Loss of earnings / loss of dependency arising in medical negligence</li>
<li>Lost Years claims, and Quantification of lost pension, share scheme and other benefits</li>
Amanda has prepared expert accounting evidence for trial for claimants, defendants and on joint instruction. She has attended meetings with Counsel and opposing accountants to narrow areas of disagreement and has given evidence in Court.
[Mediator_CV] =>
[Submit] =>
[grade] =>
[Dispute_Experience] =>
[Offiicial_Positions] =>
[Other_Activities] =>
[CVviewscount] => 0
[dateofentry] =>
[cvamended] =>
[updated] => Óà|
[Brief_CV2] => Professional History
RGL, London - 1997 - Present
Ms Fyfee is a qualified chartered accountant who has specialised in Forensic Accounting since 1997. She is a Director in the London office of RGL Forensics and focuses her practice on litigation support and the quantification of losses for personal injury and fatal accident claims. She also has experience of the quantification of losses arising from business interruption and loss of profits.
In 2001 Ms Fyffe worked in the Sydney office of RGL Forensics using her knowledge and experience on a variety of claims in the personal injury/fatal accident arena.
Expert Witness Experience
Ms Fyffe has prepared a number of expert witness reports for the Court on behalf of defendants, claimants and in the role of single joint expert, and has also been involved in ExpertsÚ meetings and meetings with Counsel.
Ms Fyffe has particular experience in occupational disease claims (lost years calculations), clinical/medical negligence claims and pension losses, in addition to loss of earnings and dependency claims. Her expertise includes the quantification of past and future loss of earnings, pension losses and lost employment benefits, such as loss of share options. She also has experience of earnings arising in non-UK tax jurisdictions, in particular, the Channel Islands and the United States, and periodical payments.
Seminars & Publications
Ms Fyffe has presented seminars and workshops to clients and colleagues on various topics including the measurement of loss earnings and pensions, forensic accounting and litigation support.
She has written articles in legal journals, such as Solicitors Journal, New Law Journal, The Barriser and the Personal Injury Law Journal on the role of the forensic accountant and the quantification of lost pension benefits and occupational disease claims.
[update_ws] => 0
[Rec_no] => 2376
[Grade] => PM
[Active] => 1
[Name_Title] => Miss
[Name_Forename] => Amanda
[Name_Surname] => Fyffe
[Additional_Names] => Eve
[Company] => BTVK Advisory LLP (t/a Baker Tilly)
[country] => GB
[main_address] => Work
[Town] =>
[Overseas] => 0
[Telephone] => 020 7065 7919
[Telephone_Extension] =>
[Fax] => 020 7065 7910
[TelephoneH] => 01892 838000
[FaxH] =>
[Mobile] => 07931 777500
[email] =>
[main_contact] => Work
[wwwadr] =>
[Principal_Occupation] => Chartered Accountant
[Job_Position] => Principal
[Employment_Status] => Employee
[QDR_Number] =>
[Gender] => Female
[DateJoined] => 2009-05-27 00:00:00.000
[DateResigned] =>
[Societies] =>
[user] =>
[Amended] =>
[INVetting] => 0
[InDisciplinary] =>
[profession] =>
[profession 2] =>
[Date entered] =>
[Birthday] => 1976-03-13 00:00:00.000
[Joined] =>
[Tel 2] =>
[Internet] => 1
[InternetStop] => 0
[inetpwd] => 28846973
[InetDate] =>
[Inet_Year] => 2024
[MembType] => 0
[temp] =>
[DXNumber] =>
[DXArea] =>
[ProBono] => 0
[corporate] => 1
[ConfSO] => 0
[ConfSOdate] =>
[AccountsLink] =>
[QDRCancel] =>
[QDRActive] => 0
[hcupdate] => 0
[CIWEM] => 0
[SOCENV] => 0
[BMFDRS] => 0
[councilcall] =>
[PIScheme] =>
[PIExempt] => 0
[PIrunnoff] => 0
[PIrunnoff_expiry] =>
[Panel_NMH] => 0
[ED_Number] =>
[ED_Cancel] =>
[ED_Active] => 0
[ICAEW] => 1
[ICAEW_join] => 2012-04-12
[ICAEWCancel] =>
[InternetLevel] => S
[url_alias] => amanda-fyffe
[file_date] => 2009-05-27
[corp_company_ref] => 6
[subs_year] => 2025
[sort_display] => Fyffe, Amanda
[last_modified] => 2025-01-10 11:32:11.863
[profile_view_email] => 1
[Name_Forename_formal] => Amanda
[Telephone_c] => GB
[TelephoneH_c] => GB
[Mobile_C] => GB
[email2] =>
[Telephone_w] => 1
[TelephoneH_w] => 1
[Mobile_w] => 1