Experts in a Virtual Era

In collaboration with HKA, TAE ran a live panel discussion webinar that seeks to share experience and opinions on the giving of expert evidence in ‘virtual hearings’, in any dispute forum, and address your questions connected with the ‘new normal’.


Model Terms of Engagement – Party Appointed Expert

Model terms of engagement for a party-appointed expert witness under CPR.

Model Terms of Engagement – SJE

Model terms of engagement for an expert witness engaged as a single joint expert

Model Terms of Engagement – Expert Advisor

Model terms for use where the engagement is as an Expert Advisor, rather than a Party-Appointed or Single Joint Expert under CPR.

Expert Declaration – Family Courts

The form of declaration required for use in Expert Reports to the Family Courts.

Expert Reports

Information sheet introducing the rules and role concerning Expert Witness reports.

What is an Expert Witness

Information sheet introducing the role and duties of an expert witness.

Becoming an Expert

Guidance for those considering becoming an expert on the considerations and steps to take.

Practice Direction for Northern Ireland

Guidance on the Practice Direction for Northern Ireland

CPR Fact Sheet

TAE Guidance and CPR rules

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