President’s Dinner 25

June 2025

Event Details

Wednesday 11th
Start Time:
7:30 pm
End Time:
10:45 pm
Pewterers' Hall

Hosted by our President, Lord Neuberger, The Dinner is the most prestigious event in the Academy’s calendar.

We always have an impressive list of guests joining us who in the past have included:

  • Sir Rupert Jackson
  • Dame Heather Hallett
  • The Lord Chancellor
  • The Master of the Rolls
  • The Lord Chief Justice

If you have never been to an Academy Dinner before this is an excellent opportunity to mingle with members of the judiciary, meet fellow members and their guests or entertain instructing solicitors. If you are unaccompanied we will arrange for you to be introduced to other members.

The Dinner takes place in Pewterers’ Hall.

Tickets include a four course dinner with wine and port as well as the pre and post dinner receptions.

Pewterers HallThe Pewterers’ Company is an ancient and continually evolving foundation with medieval origins as a City Guild.

The earliest documented reference to it is in the records of the Corporation dated 1348 and the Company’s own records are extant from 1451. The first charter was granted by King Edward IV in 1473.

It is number sixteen in the order of civic precedence among over a hundred livery companies.

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