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The London Legal Walk is a 10km after-work walk starting on Carey Street behind the Royal Courts of Justice in London.
We are walking with the Lady Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust (LLST). Over the last 20 years, by walking together for justice, we have raised an incredible £10.5 million, helping hundreds of thousands of people access justice when they need it most.
In 2024 more than 18,000 walkers, including a team from TAE, took part, raising over £1 million to support the provision of free legal advice in London and the South East.
See below a few photos from last year’s walk.
The Academy team in 2021
The London Legal Support Trust
The London Legal Support Trust is an independent charity that raises funds for free legal advice services in London and the South East. It supports free legal advice centres across London and the South East, through the provision of grant funding, supporting infrastructure of the sector, and helping agencies reduce costs and save money via pro bono or discounted schemes.
Access to justice means that people should be able to equally access legal support, advice, and representation if they need, irrespective of their financial position. Individuals should be able to fairly seek and achieve remedies for grievances, and be able to enforce their economic and social rights, without needing to be in a position of wealth or power. Receiving the legal advice they need makes a huge difference to these people’s lives, reducing debt, poverty and homelessness, and combatting discrimination and injustice. However, many people are unable to access justice due to multiple barriers including legal aid cuts, as well as court closures.
The amazing achievements of these advice agencies more than demonstrate their value to society; Law Centres, Citizens Advice, and other specialist legal advice centres are supporting thousands of vulnerable clients every day across the country. These agencies are working tirelessly to support their local communities (frequently, this is regardless of whether they have a Legal Aid contract or not), and the value of their work is unparalleled. In the age of restricted access to justice, lack of funding, and decimated Legal Aid, the advice agencies are providing a beacon of hope to those who have nowhere else to turn.
The Trust is part of a network of seven Legal Support Trusts across England and in Wales working with the Access to Justice Foundation to support pro bono and advice agencies, ensuring funds can be distributed where needed most throughout England and Wales. To find out more please visit
Thanks to the legal community’s support and participation in our fundraising events, partnerships with other funders, and individual and corporate donors, LLST are able to support over 100 organisations in London and the South East each year, helping them to provide more specialist free legal advice to those in need. One of the Centres supported by Legal Walk funds said; “we have been able to maintain and expand our pro bono services to local people, as well as to retain vital front-line support for people experiencing injustice, discrimination and poverty. Your funds have helped our clients to achieve long term, sustainable changes in their lives, and this is vital as we are often the only agency able to assist them.”